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The information on this website is provided only for general information to the citizens of Florida. Specifically, no information on this website constitutes legal advice and may not be accurate because federal and state laws constantly change. Nothing contained on this website establishes an attorney-client relationship and does not replace the competent advice of a licensed attorney in Florida who have reviewed the specific facts of your case.
Sending or receiving information through this website via a submission form or email does not create an attorney-client relationship and any response by the attorney or law firm does not constitute legal advice. Please note that any information sent to the attorney or law firm via a submission form or email is not considered confidential or privileged information.Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa reviews all claims, allegations, and convictions on a case-by-case basis. Please note that any result the lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. In other words, prior success should not create an expectation of a favorable outcome in your case because no two cases are the same.
This websites contains testimonials and prior results obtained on behalf by Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa. Any endorsement or result obtained on behalf of a prior or current client in their case does not necessarily indicate that similar results can be achieved for you or other clients.
The publication of this website, and the information presented on this website not intended for any jurisdiction outside of Florida. In other words, this website is not intended for any jurisdiction outside of Florida nor is it intended to solicit legal representation of anyone that does not have a claim, arrest, or conviction in Florida.
WARNING: If you have a civil claim, have been arrested or convicted, you are strongly encouraged to immediately seek the advice of an attorney licensed in South Carolina. If you represent yourself in court, you may negatively affect your legal rights. Some claims have strict statutory limitations (time limits) for filing a claim. In short, you should never rely solely on the information presented on a website. Do yourself a favor and call an attorney now.
DISCLAIMER: The general information provided by Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa is not legal advice, cannot be cited as legal authority, and cannot replace the advice of an attorney who has reviewed the facts of your case. The information on the website is intended to be accurate as of the date of publication, but beware that laws constantly change.
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Fred Cunningham and Matthew Christ of Rafferty Domnick Cunningham amp Yaffa are representing the labs in a federal case in
The parents of a newborn who died months after birth are suing a Florida hospital alleging a worker broke the
A lawsuit filed by the parents of a baby who died in claims she suffered a debilitating spinal cord injury