Florida Nursing Home Infections Lawyer

Nursing home abuse and neglect could be physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, financial, or any combination of these forms of suffering. While not always an indication of abuse, severe infections could signify that a resident has been neglected from the nursing home or its staff. A West Palm Beach nursing home infections lawyer can investigate your potential claim if you believe a care facility has been negligent in preventing and managing your loved one’s illness.

You want a personal injury attorney who has experience fighting on behalf of individuals suffering from nursing home abuse and neglect. If the nursing home facility has been negligent, a lawyer could help you hold them responsible for damages.

Common Infections in West Palm Beach Nursing Homes

A wide range of severe and even life-threatening infections may arise when a nursing home fails to maintain proper hygiene standards or care for its residents. These infections may include:

Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff)

  1. Diff is a contagious bacterial infection in the intestines that can cause severe abdominal pain, loose stools, and delirium. C. diff can be deadly or permanently compromise intestinal health.

Urinary Tract Infections

If the staff neglects to properly clean up after the patient or help them to the bathroom, it is not uncommon for someone to develop repetitive urinary tract infections. Complications from urinary tract infections can cause organ damage.


A potentially fatal consequence of a severe bacterial infection, sepsis occurs when the virus causes an inflammatory response throughout the body, resulting in delirium, an extreme drop in blood pressure, disorientation, and sometimes a complete shutdown of the person’s organs.


Scabies and other skin infections such as herpes or bedsores could signify that a nursing home resident is living in unsanitary conditions due to neglect. These infections cause considerable suffering and delayed treatment can sometimes be fatal.

Staph Infections

Poor germ protocols can sometimes lead to a resident developing a severe staph infection, impetigo, or MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Staph infections that are not managed promptly may result in fatal consequences, including septic or toxic shock.

If a nursing home fails to ensure the cleanliness of residents or quarantine people with spreadable illnesses, leading to a resident’s sickness or death, the facility could be liable. A West Palm Beach attorney can probe the details of an infection that caused a patient’s injury or death to determine whether the nursing home should bear financial responsibility.

Recoverable Damages in Nursing Home Infection Claims

Diseases within a nursing home can be easily preventable, yet the consequences of these infections can be severe. A West Palm Beach assisted living infections lawyer could review a plaintiff’s case and determine the kind of damages to which they may be entitled. Some of these damages may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of society
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

Some nursing home infection cases may settle out of court. A fair settlement should take into account all of the damages suffered by the plaintiff and their family. Negotiating a fair offer can sometimes be the best option for both parties, as it avoids the time, expense, and risk of a trial. However, it is important to note that a plaintiff is not required to accept a settlement if they feel their losses are worth more than the settlement offer.

Filing a Negligence Claim Against a West Palm Beach Nursing Home

Florida Statutes § 429.296 states that lawsuits involving nursing home negligence must be filed within two years of the negligent act, or four years from the incident if the facility’s abuse is not detected at the outset. However, if a care facility uses fraudulent means to shield itself from liability, the deadline could be extended as much as six years from when the abuse occurred. A West Palm Beach lawyer can help ensure a nursing home infection claim to recover a resident’s healthcare costs, pain, suffering, and other losses are filed by the correct deadline.

Consult with a West Palm Beach Nursing Home Infections Attorney

You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one developed an infection as a result of a nursing home’s negligence. It is essential to hire a qualified lawyer to help protect your rights and fight for the maximum award available from the court. Contact a West Palm Beach nursing home infections lawyer today to learn more about your options.

Consult with a West Palm Beach Nursing Home Infections Attorney

You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one developed an infection as a result of a nursing home’s negligence. It is essential to hire a qualified lawyer to help protect your rights and fight for the maximum award available from the court. Contact a West Palm Beach nursing home infections lawyer today to learn more about your options.