Florida Understaffing in Nursing Homes

As loved ones age, friends and family members often turn to nursing homes for assistance in their care. These homes provide older and infirm loved ones with around-the-clock medical care in a loving, comfortable, friendly environment.

Many nursing homes across the country provide exceptional care, with a staff that is fully invested and committed to caring for their residents. However, some nursing homes can resort to understaffing their residences in order to cut their costs and increase profits.

Without an adequate number of staff members always on duty, nursing home residents can suffer from neglect. This is an unfortunate outcome for a loved one who is moved into a home so they could receive kind, attentive, appropriate care. If West Palm Beach understaffing in nursing homes has led to you or a loved one suffering nursing home abuse, consult an adept nursing home abuse lawyer that can attempt to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Nursing homes have a legal obligation to provide a safe living space for residents who are infirm or unable to care for themselves. This means they are responsible for hiring an adequate number of staff members and ensuring their staff are appropriately trained and educated so they can provide the care residents require.

Since many patients may be unable to perform basic tasks, the need for trained staff members is immensely important. If a home is understaffed, it should quickly take necessary steps to hire new employees. Nursing homes can be held legally liable if they do not provide the care their residents need.

Dangerous Problems Caused by Understaffing

Understaffing in nursing homes is a serious problem that impacts millions of individuals across the country. Each year, thousands of nursing home residents are forced to live in substandard conditions.

West Palm Beach understaffing in nursing homes can lead to any one or several of the following issues:

  • Improper dispensation of medications
  • Lack of resident supervision
  • Failure to maintain a clean and sanitary environment
  • Miscommunication between residents, families, and medical professionals
  • Increased incidences of resident abuse and neglect

If a home does not have enough staff members to perform day-to-day tasks, it can be held liable if a resident is harmed in any manner. Sadly, many nursing homes nonetheless continue to understaff their facilities in hopes of reducing operational expenses.

Common Signs of Understaffing

Staffing problems may manifest in many ways, including one or more of the following:

  • Poor sanitation
  • Residents with bed sores and other signs of neglect
  • Lack of medical documentation
  • Difficulty finding a staff member to speak with
  • Overcrowding in resident areas

Families should speak extensively with their loved ones about the conditions they witness on a regular basis. And family members of residents should take immediate action if they believe their loved one is not receiving the care they deserve due to West Palm Beach understaffing in nursing homes.

How a West Palm Beach Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Can Help

West Palm Beach understaffing in nursing homes is a major cause for concern for all residents living in that home. If you suspect a nursing home is engaging in this illegal practice, it is best to take action as soon as possible.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can provide advice on this matter. Your attorney could extensive experience reviewing understaffing in nursing home cases to determine if, in fact, a nursing home is mistreating its residents due to improper and inappropriate staffing techniques. The lawyer could answer any questions you or your loved ones may have and could potentially provide guidance in determining the legal recourse that may be available to you and your family member living in a nursing home.