Florida Rollover Car Accident Lawyer

A rollover car accident is one of the most violent and potentially damaging types of accidents an individual can experience. The sheer force of a rollover accident is likely to cause extensive and severe injuries to both the passengers of the car and the car itself. The potential extent of the damages makes it crucial that you contact a West Palm Beach rollover car accident lawyer who has experience working with this type of accident.

dedicated car accident attorney could work to both establish the cause of the accident and secure your right to any available compensation as you and your family recover physically and emotionally from the accident. Speak with a lawyer to get started.

Causes of Rollover Car Accidents

SUVs and trucks that sit higher on the road are much more susceptible to rollover accidents, but these types of accidents can occur in any vehicle for a variety of reasons. Because it is necessary to establish the cause of the accident, a West Palm Beach rollover car accident lawyer could carefully investigate to determine what factors played a role.


Rollover accidents are often caused when a driver notices they are about to swerve into oncoming traffic and quickly turns the wheel to avoid this—often at a high speed. This issue can also occur when one driver attempts to swerve out of the way to avoid another driver, who may have been negligent.

Aggressive Drivers

If a driver is driving very aggressively and at high speeds, forcing other drivers to respond, they may cause a rollover accident.

Vehicle Malfunction

In some cases, a rollover accident may be caused by a defect in the vehicle itself, such as a brake defect or poor manufacturing.

General Negligence

If another driver is texting or otherwise not paying attention to the road, they may be forced to swerve at the last minute—or may cause another party to do so—thereby causing a rollover accident.

Identifying the Responsible Party in West Palm Beach

A rollover car accident attorney in West Palm Beach could investigate and analyze the situation to identify the responsible party. In the case of a vehicle malfunction, it may be possible to sue the manufacturer to recover compensation for damages and injuries sustained in the accident.

In many cases, however, it is a driver’s negligent or reckless driving that will have caused the accident. If an aggressive driver cuts another vehicle off, that driver may be required to respond quickly and end up rolling over. In this case, the aggressive driver’s negligent and reckless behavior will have caused the accident.

A car collision attorney could advocate for an injured party’s right to receive compensatory damages from the responsible party for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost earnings
  • Lost earnings potential

How a West Palm Beach Rollover Car Accident Attorney Can Help

An experienced West Palm Beach rollover car accident lawyer will understand that your first priority after the accident is physical recovery. Seeking out the assistance of a lawyer early in the process will ensure that you have the ability to focus on your recovery while the lawyer advocates on your behalf to determine the cause of the accident and establish your right to hold the other party liable. Call today to set up a free consultation to learn more.