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Designers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers are supposed to provide consumers with safe and effective products. Unfortunately, defective or dangerous products that cause thousands of injuries and even death each year make it into the hands of consumers. In some instances, these defects and risks were known by the companies.
Product liability includes: poor design/unsafe design; unsafe or inferior manufacturing; or lack of proper instructions and/or product warning labels. As consumers, we come into contact and use numerous products each day including airbags, baby strollers, gym equipment, food, and prescription medicine. When these products make their way into the marketplace, the responsible parties need to be held liable for the safety of the product through the use of a West Palm Beach product liability lawyer. An experienced injury attorney can assist in compiling evidence for a potential claim and walking those injured through the legal steps necessary to seek recovery.
Contact Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa about Your Florida Injury Claim Today
The West Palm Beach product liability attorneys at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa represent people who have suffered serious and catastrophic injuries in all sorts of accidents where defective products were involved. We also represent family members who lost a loved one due to wrongful death as a result of an auto product defect and other failed products. Our attorneys have more than 37 years of combined experience handling product liability cases for clients. During this time, we’ve worked on cases involving a wide range of defective products, including:
Defective product cases can be very complex and often have more than one liable party such as the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer. That is why you need an experienced product liability law firm with the financial resources to take on these companies. Our product liability lawyers in West Palm Beach obtain expert witnesses and utilizes the most experienced and respected medical authorities, accident reconstruction specialists and private investigators from across the country. We then strategize and build a solid case to bring the responsible parties to light.
If you have a case, our West Palm Beach product liability attorneys will represent you to the utmost of our ability and commit ourselves to the effort of achieving a successful resolution. We do not charge you any fees until and unless there is compensation via a settlement or verdict on your case, and we advance all costs and expenses.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product, please contact us. If you were a victim of wrongdoing or negligence that contributed to the injury, we will defend your rights and stand up to the responsible party on your behalf.
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Fred Cunningham and Matthew Christ of Rafferty Domnick Cunningham amp Yaffa are representing the labs in a federal case in
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