Florida Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer

Many of Orlando’s most popular attractions and locations feature swimming pools for guests seeking to escape the hot weather. Unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon in both public and private pools at Disney and Universal Studios. Swimmers can suffer severe injuries or even death due to lack of supervision, and people who remain on the pool deck can also suffer injuries from slipping or poor maintenance.

A Florida tourist swimming pool accident lawyer may be able to help you if you have suffered an injury while swimming at the beaches in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, or the Key West. An experienced travel, tourist, and holiday injury attorney can help you initiate a case whether you are still in the United States or have already returned home.

Injuries at a Florida Swimming Pool

Premises liability standards in Ft. Lauderdale and Miami give all pool owners a duty to protect the users of their pools from any dangers that they know about or are reasonably expected to know about. Injuries that result from an error in pool maintenance, such as getting a body part stuck in a drain, could lead an attorney to examine the steps the pool owner took to correct this issue.

Additionally, conditions such as cramps, strokes, or heart attacks can be catastrophic if suffered while in a swimming pool, so pool owners in Key West should employ qualified lifeguard staff to provide first aid and call emergency medical care if necessary. A Florida tourist swimming pool accident attorney can investigate the cause of a person’s injuries and determine whether an injured person can pursue compensation for their losses.

Posted Waiver of Liability

Many pools at Disney World feature signs proclaiming that guests visit the pool at their own risk. These signs are typically an attempt by the pool’s owner or management to avoid liability that results from an injury that happens while a person is using the pool.

However, a standing sign is not enough to waive all liability for accidental injuries, as Florida law states that a for-profit business in Orlando with a swimming pool can only avoid cases of simple negligence if the owner has visitors physically sign a waiver. A tourist swimming pool accident lawyer in Florida can help combat arguments made by pool owners that an injured person accepted the risks involved with visiting their pool.

Call a Florida Tourist Swimming Pool Accident Attorney for Professional Guidance

Florida law states that all hotel and resort owners in Orlando have a duty to protect their guests from all foreseeable harm on their property, including that which they have actual knowledge of or should have known about. Swimming pools are featured at Disney World and Universal Studios and can cause serious injuries under circumstances of poor maintenance or poor staff supervision.

If you have suffered an injury while using a swimming pool in the Key West or Miami, a qualified attorney can help you pursue compensation for your losses even if the pool has a sign stating that you waived all claims for personal injury. A Florida tourist swimming pool lawyer could help you handle your claim whether you are still in Ft. Lauderdale or have returned home.

If you have legal representation at home, a lawyer could work with them to pursue the case in Florida. Florida Statutes §95.11 gives you only four years to pursue a case, so call today to protect your right to seek compensation.