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Recently, the World Health Organization along with the Food and Drug Administration issued a report that found that women who received certain breast implants may be susceptible to a rare form of cancer, breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) following their surgeries.
While this may be concerning and alarming, professional organizations have advised that women can protect themselves by conducting and undergoing regular examinations. While the number of women who have developed this rare condition is unknown, it is important for anyone who has received a breast implant in Palm Beach Gardens to be aware of the risks and their legal rights.
If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with lymphoma from a breast implant, you should contact an experienced West Palm Beach breast implant lymphoma lawyers to discuss your case. To pursue compensatory damages, an individual should contact a West Palm Beach product liability lawyer immediately.
The Food and Drug Administration has published numerous reports about the risks associated with certain types of breast implants and their correlation to a rare form of breast cancer known as Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
Since 2011, when the FDA identified a possible association between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), there have been a total of 359 medical device reports of BIA-ALCL, which has unfortunately included nine deaths. Symptoms include:
It is important that women continue to monitor any changes or developments after receiving a breast implant, and discuss any symptoms or concerns they may have with their doctor. The majority of reported BIA-ALCL diagnoses have been the result of women noticing changes and reporting them to their doctors.
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There are only a few manufacturers that produce breast implants that have been approved for use in the United States. Any person who has received a breast implant is likely to have had their implant manufactured by Allergan, Mentor Worldwide LLC, Ideal Implant Incorporated, or Sientera.
The Food and Drug Administration has not found a direct link between any of any single manufacturers and breast implant lymphoma, rather the data suggests that a person could potentially develop breast implant lymphoma from any one of these implants.
A person who has developed breast implant lymphoma may choose to file a lawsuit against any of these manufacturers, doctors, surgeons, or medical teams on the following allegations:
Not only do doctors have an obligation to discuss the risks associated with these implants, but manufacturers have an obligation to ensure that their products are safe for use. If an individual has suffered due their implants, they should contact a West Palm Beach breast implant lymphoma lawyer.
A person who has been diagnosed with ALCL after they have received a breast implant may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers and may be entitled to any of the following forms of compensation:
Any patients who notices a change in their breast after surgery or who experienced any of the above-noted symptoms after they have had a breast implant should discuss their symptoms with their doctors as soon as possible and should speak with a West Palm Beach breast implant lymphoma lawyer to discuss their rights.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with breast implant lymphoma related to breast implants, contact an experienced and dedicated West Palm Beach breast implant lymphoma attorney today to discuss your case and learn about your legal rights.
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