Florida Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

If you recently suffered an injury in a slip and fall accident, you should take the time to explore all your legal options. West Palm Beach property owners have a responsibility to do what they can to prevent slip and fall accidents.This means that restaurants, hotels, shops, homeowners, and other property owners may be liable if they neglected to fix a dangerous condition that caused your accident. Even local and state government entities must ensure their properties are safe for visitors. When a property owner (or their employees) does not take the appropriate precautions to avoid slip and fall accidents, people can get hurt. Fall-related injuries are often serious and injured individuals may have to undergo a long, expensive recovery process.

If someone else is to blame for your accident, you may not need to shoulder those medical expenses alone. A West Palm Beach slip and fall lawyer can help you find out whether you could be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Call today to find out how an experienced attorney could help you. En Español.

Common Slip and Fall Scenarios

Most slip and fall accidents are not the result of malicious misconduct. Property owners usually do not intentionally create slip and fall hazards for visitors. However, even though a property owner may not have intentionally created a dangerous condition that could hurt their visitors, they can still be liable for their negligence. This means that when a property owner fails to repair a dangerous condition on their property, and someone else suffers an injury as a consequence, the owner can be held responsible in court.

Some common examples of dangerous conditions that may arise from a property owner’s negligence can include:

  • Broken steps
  • Loose carpeting
  • Rotted Walkways
  • Broken or loose floorboards
  • Incomplete construction areas
  • Wet floors
  • Holes in flooring or outdoor walkways
  • Uneven floor surfaces
  • Icy or snow-covered sidewalks and driveways

Made clear in the list above, most slip and fall accidents happen when property owners let the property fall into a state of disrepair. It does not take long for an icy sidewalk or a broken step to cause an accident. When that happens, the injured individual may be able to sue the negligent property owner. To find out more about liability, call a well-established lawyer.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in West Palm Beach

While some slip and fall accidents truly are accidents where no one was at fault, many are the result of a property owner’s negligence. In those cases, the person who suffered an injury may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the property owner.

According to state law, people injured because of another person’s negligence have up to four years to file their lawsuit. The law gives individuals this extended period since the full effect of their injuries may not be immediately apparent. Fall-related injuries can present serious health complications months or even years after the original accident occurred. This means a person may be paying for medical bills for years and could lose wages due to missing work. A slip and fall accident attorney in West Palm Beach could help someone calculate the damages of their accident.

A West Palm Beach Slip and Fall Attorney Could Be an Ally

A West Palm Beach slip and fall lawyer could individuals determine whether the property was at-fault for their accident. If so, the lawyer can calculate the amount of compensation the at-fault owner may owe for their medical costs and other damages.

You should not be left to figure out how to pay for injuries that someone else caused. If you or a loved one sustained an injury in a slip and fall accident, call a West Palm Beach slip and fall attorney today.