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Of the millions of babies born in the United States every year, a small percentage are born with birth injuries or defects. Some of these unfortunate occurrences are unavoidable. However, many birth injuries and defects are the result of medical negligence. Treatment errors and doctor mistakes that lead to birth injuries cause serious pain and suffering for families and their newborn children, many of whom will face lifelong hardships that they should not have had to endure. If you or your loved one has a child who suffered a birth injury, contact our Palm Beach Gardens birth injury lawyers today.
Contact Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa about Your Florida Injury Claim Today
Treatment mistakes and errors during a mother’s pregnancy and before, during, and after childbirth can lead to a wide range of serious birth injuries, illnesses, and defects, including:
Childbirth can be traumatic, and the unexpected can always happen. A child can become stuck inside the mother or may not be oriented the right way for a smooth and issue-free delivery. The medical team may need to pull on the baby to deliver it, and this can lead to nerve damage and even a crushed skull. Contaminated instruments or poor sanitization can lead to illnesses such as meningitis. Inaction on the part of the delivery team in delivering the baby can lead to brain damage or even death, and inadequate screening for medical reactions such as allergies can lead to disastrous responses in the mother or child, leading to unnecessary yet avoidable pain and suffering in what is already a difficult situation to manage.
Irrespective of how your child suffered a birth injury, you should speak with an attorney to determine whether you have grounds for filing a medical malpractice suit for birth injury. If your child sustained injuries during birth, you may be faced with long-term treatment expenses, expensive therapy, and even the costs of mobility devices or home renovations to accommodate a birth injury-related disability. You should not have to shoulder these expenses yourself if your child’s injuries were caused by the negligence or mistakes of your caregivers.
To win a birth injury lawsuit, you must prove how and why your baby’s birth injury occurred. You must also show that the injuries in question could have been avoided had your caregiver taken adequate care, had the training needed to handle your case, or had taken other reasonable precautions to prevent harm. To do this, we will gather evidence that includes:
The costs associated with birth injuries can quickly spiral out of control. We will help you recover lost income, treatment expenses, incidental expenses (such as travel or caregiving expenses), and any other outlays directly related to your child’s birth injuries. As long as we can connect a certain overhead to the injuries in question, we will include it in your claim.
According to the CDC, birth defects affect about 3% of all babies born in the United States every year. Birth defects are the leading cause of infant deaths, with up to 20% of all infant deaths occurring because of birth defects. Birth injuries are a serious cause of birth defects, and the National Institutes of Health has also extensively researched common birth-related injuries to better understand the causes of various injuries and the management of different birth-related traumatic events so that they can be prevented. Until such injuries are totally eradicated, and if you have a loved one who suffered a birth injury or a birth defect, please speak with our Palm Beach Gardens birth injury lawyers today.
If your child suffered a birth injury or if you suspect that they have been injured but need to investigate the case, contact us today. Our legal team has access to medical professionals and subject matter experts who can review your case to see if you have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit for a birth injury. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
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