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When a new baby is on the way, you celebrate and anticipate the presence of new life. You never expect to grieve a death, but unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to some American families each year. This heartbreaking situation can be further compounded if the death was preventable. A family should never have to experience a maternal death, especially if it occurred as a result as the negligence of a doctor or another medical professional. However, consulting with a medical malpractice attorney could be the best way to address such a tragic situation.
A West Palm Beach maternal death due to uterine rupture lawyer could help you seek justice for your deceased loved one as well as compensation for your associated losses. Contact a skilled maternal death attorney to start discussing your potential legal options.
During pregnancy and labor, pressure in the uterus increases significantly. In some women, the pressure may cause a uterus that is scarred or has already been stretched and contracted several times to tear. When a uterine tear occurs, the baby, placenta, amniotic sac, and blood can enter the mother’s abdominal cavity.
Several studies indicate that there are approximately 13 deaths annually in the United States that can be attributed to uterine rupture. Although rare, a uterine rupture has significant consequences for both the mom and the baby.
Doctors caring for pregnant and laboring women need to be keenly aware of the risks and the signs and symptoms of a uterine rupture. When something is not right, they need to act quickly. Risk factors for uterine rupture include:
For more information, reach out to a seasoned medical malpractice lawyer.
Contact Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa about Your Florida Injury Claim Today
Physicians have a duty to recognize signs and symptoms of a uterine rupture in patients they are providing care to. If they do not recognize them or do not act on them in a timely manner, complications and even death for the mom or the baby can occur.
A physician may be considered legally negligent if they caused damages to the family of the deceased through their own carelessness or failure to act appropriately. In this scenario, a West Palm Beach maternal death due to uterine rupture lawyer can help surviving family members file suit to recover for these damages.
Plaintiffs in maternal death cases are given two years from the date of the death to file a lawsuit, as detailed in Florida Statutes §95.11. This deadline is often called the statute of limitations and helps ensure cases rely on relatively recent evidence.
These types of cases are usually complex and require several months or even over a year to prepare for a filing. Plaintiffs who hire a maternal death due to uterine rupture lawyer in West Palm Beach soon after a maternal death may increase their chances of filing their case on time.
A maternal death can change the lives of everyone a mother knows and loves, most of all their spouse and children. It may leave them with emotional trauma as well as significant financial struggles.
If you have recently experienced a maternal death in your family, you are not alone. With the legal knowledge and experience of a West Palm Beach maternal death due to uterine rupture lawyer by your side, you may be able to receive compensation for all that you have gone through.
No amount of compensation could ever make up for the immense loss you now live with, but receiving money to help cover injuries and other costs can help make your life less overwhelming as you try to move forward. Call today to set up an initial consultation and get started on your case.
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