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Hernia repair surgeries are a relatively common surgery that is performed daily throughout the country and numerous West Palm Beach residents will tell you that they have had a hernia repaired with little or no complications. In many cases, hernia repairs are a simple operation that can be resolved with a small suture. However, some hernias are much larger and more complicated and require a surgeon to implant a thin implantable mesh screen to repair a hernia.
Many people who have undergone a hernia repair where a mesh screen has been implanted, they have suffered additional complications following their surgeries because of poorly designed and manufactured mesh screens. If you or someone you know has been injured because of a hernia mesh implant that has failed or has caused additional complications, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering and your injuries.
An experienced mass torts attorney can discuss your case and explore your options with you. A West Palm Beach hernia mesh lawyer is knowledgeable about the way local cases are handled and can help you search for important evidence for your case.
Hernias are a common medical condition that occurs when an organ, tissue, or part of the intestine are forced through or squeeze through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle and connective tissue. Hernias are most likely to occur in the abdominal wall, and can sometimes be seen pressing against the outside of the body. While many hernias are easily repaired some require more extensive procedures including a surgeon using a mesh screen.
Unfortunately, these mesh screens can fail and cause any of the following injuries:
Hernia mesh lawsuits are often different from medical malpractice cases because most injuries from hernia mesh devices are not caused by a doctor or surgeon, but rather because of a faulty design or poorly manufactured hernia mesh screen. In fact, multiple mesh products have been recalled by the Food and Drug Administration because they have been linked to increased complications. West Palm Beach hernia mesh lawyers have seen numerous other mesh products that are just as dangerous that have yet to be recalled. This means that those who have a mesh screen implanted during a hernia repair may still be at risk.
Hernia mesh products consist of a type of surgical mesh, which is used to protect a person’s organs and tissue from squeezing through a weak point in a muscle, such as the abdominal wall. However, while these products are in theory very advantageous to those suffering from hernias, many of these products have been linked to increased rates of some of the complications mentioned above. Many of the hernia mesh products that are currently on the market contain polypropylene, which is a type of plastic.
While polypropylene is used in numerous other medical devices such as bladder slings and pelvic mesh, many people find it unsettling that this plastic is also used in numerous non-medical products such as plastic bottles. One of the biggest complications occurs with hernia mesh screens consisting of polypropylene because this product was never intended to be used as a permanent implant in the body, as it can shrink and also degrade while implanted. If you or someone you know has been injured following a hernia mesh implant, contact a West Palm Beach hernia mesh lawyer who has experience working with experts and insurance companies and will help protect your rights.
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