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Over the last several years talcum powder has become a headline in the news, and not for its traditional use with babies. Rather, talcum powder has been the source of numerous lawsuits throughout the country because of its correlation with ovarian cancer.
Numerous studies have linked the use of talcum powder to women developing ovarian cancer, and many of these reports have noted that the companies who manufactured and sold talcum powder were aware of the potential risk their products posed.
If you have developed ovarian cancer as a result of using talcum powder you are not alone, numerous women and their families in Palm Beach Gardens have gone through the same struggle.
The West Palm Beach talcum powder lawyers at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa are committed to helping the women and their families in the Palm Beach Gardens community hold the talcum powder companies liable for putting a dangerous product on the market.
Talcum powder, which is more commonly referred to as baby powder, is a powder that is used to help absorb moisture, as well as to reduce friction. This product has been useful to many people and parents alike to help reduce and or avoid rashes.
In addition to being used on babies, talcum powder is used in numerous cosmetic products, and has been used by women throughout the country as a feminine hygiene product.
A recent study released on May 12, 2016, by the University of Virginia found that regular use of talcum powder was associated with an increased rate of ovarian cancer, by as much as 40 percent when compared to women who did not use talcum powder products for feminine hygiene.
Previously, a research report published in 2013 by Cancer Prevention Research found that, “genital powder use was associated with a modest increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer relative to women who never used powder.”
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However, there has been a troubling trend linking the long-term use of talcum powder to ovarian cancer. Numerous women have filed and successfully won lawsuits against talcum powder companies because they claim that the regular use of these talcum-based products raised their risk of developing ovarian cancer up by 40 percent.
These lawsuits also claim that not only is there an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer after the long-term use of talcum based products, but that the companies who manufacture and place these products on store shelves in Palm Beach Gardens, knew about this increased risk and failed to warn the public of the dangers.
In fact, there have been numerous lawsuits filed throughout the country, which have resulted in large verdicts against these companies. For example, a South Dakota jury found that Johnson & Johnson was guilty of negligence for failing to warn consumers of the risk of ovarian cancer.
Then in 2016, a Missouri jury awarded a family who lost their loved one because of ovarian cancer nearly $72 million in compensation. To seek damages for your claim, consult with a West Palm Beach talcum powder lawyer.
Women and their families who have been affected by ovarian cancer after long-term use of talcum-based products need to know that they are not alone and do not have to face the large multi-national companies on their own.
The West Palm Beach talcum powder lawyers at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa are currently representing women from Palm Beach Gardens and the surrounding communities who have developed ovarian cancer after using talcum based hygiene products.
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