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You may face many problems after experiencing a significant injury: financial devastation, mounting medical bills, and an uncertain future as the ability to work and take care of yourself come into question. The personal injury attorneys at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa understand the anxiety you may be feeling and could fight to obtain lawsuit damages or a settlement to make your future more secure. Let a Belle Glade catastrophic injury lawyer help you get the compensation you deserve after suffering such a traumatic event.
Catastrophic injuries can be both physical and cognitive. Injuries to the spinal column can leave an individual partially or completely paralyzed. Severe burns can result in acute infections and deformities, as can cause the loss of a limb. Brain damage can inhibit a person’s ability to communicate, speak, and retain memories. In some cases, the injuries are so extensive that the person could be completely incapacitated.
Catastrophic injuries are long-term and could change a person’s life in a variety of ways. While some victims may recover, there will almost always be lasting effects that will forever alter the way the victim lives, interacts with others, earns a living, and goes about everyday tasks. These changes almost always translate into increased expenses for the individual in Belle Glade. This could include:
In many cases, these increases are beyond what anyone can afford without the help of compensation fought for by a seasoned Belle Glade catastrophic injury legal professional.
Contact Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa about Your Florida Injury Claim Today
Florida tort law states that a plaintiff may hold someone liable when they cause them significant injury. This accountability is vital in any personal injury case, but even more so when the damage is permanent and long-lasting. Damage awards for medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and decreased quality of life could be a lifeline to a catastrophic injury victim and their family.
Current and future expenses are not the only factor that determines an appropriate damages award. Whether the injured person played a role in the events that caused them harm may be a significant factor in recovering damages because Florida is a pure comparative negligence state. Any award is calculated based on each party’s percentage of the fault. In other words, if the hurt individual is responsible for 40% of the harm done, they may only recover 60% of any award.
Getting the appropriate medical treatment and care must come first, but legal remedies are only available for a relatively short timeframe, so Belle Glade plaintiffs should not delay in filing a claim. Florida generally requires personal injury victims to file their lawsuits within four years. Even if the injured person is not able to file their own claim, their family should consider their legal options or risk waiving their right to financial recovery.
Catastrophic injuries can cause permanent physical or cognitive changes that create a new reality for the person dealing with it. A Belle Glade catastrophic injury lawyer acknowledges the difficulties that dealing with such conditions face.
It is the mission of the attorneys at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa to use their knowledge of Florida personal injury law to fight for the best lawsuit result or settlement and help make a bad situation more manageable. Please call to see how we could help you and your family.
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