Belle Glade Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Whether you are riding a bike to work or for pleasure, cycling has many benefits. Not only is it an economical form of transportation, it also provides a fun way to exercise. Unfortunately, bicycling can come with some added risks.When cyclists ride on public streets, they are surrounded by much larger vehicles. The drivers of these vehicles can struggle to see riders in their path, especially when they are distracted or not paying attention. In this situation, a conversation with a skilled injury attorney at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa could be useful.

If you sustained an injury from a car colliding with your bike, you could have grounds for a civil lawsuit. Pursuing these claims could be made easier if you have a Belle Glade bicycle accident lawyer to guide you.

Common Bike Wreck Injuries

Bicycles offer no protection for their riders when they are involved in a collision. This is problematic when a motor vehicle strikes a cyclist, as the impact can be tremendous. The injuries sustained could be life-altering or even fatal in many cases. Common injuries could include:

  • Road rash
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Tendon damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • Brain damage
  • Sprains

Suffering an injury in a bike crash is not enough on its own to have grounds for financial recovery. An injured cyclist must also show that their harm occurred due to the negligence of another person. A Belle Glade attorney could assist with determining liability in a bicycle accident case.

Who is Liable in a Bicycle Crash?

For an experienced Belle Glade attorney, proving negligence in a bicycle collision case is similar to the process in vehicle collisions. There are many ways these accidents could occur that may lead to a viable claim. If a motorist fails to yield the right of way or runs a stop sign, they could face civil liability for a cyclist they collide with.

Not all bicycle injury claims result from a moving vehicle. A motorist could also face liability for an injury if they carelessly open their car door and strike a cyclist after parking their vehicle.

Even if it is clear the motorist is at fault, it falls on a plaintiff to prove the defendant was negligent by establishing four different elements. A plaintiff must show:

  • The defendant owed a cyclist a duty of care
  • The defendant breached that duty
  • The breach resulted in a cyclist’s injury
  • These injuries qualify as recoverable damages

Since they share the road, all motorists owe cyclists a duty to drive safely. If they drive carelessly or violated traffic rules, they breach this duty. However, to successfully recover damages, a plaintiff must show that they suffered measurable losses and trace them directly to the defendant’s breach. These losses could be medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or even property damage.

Reach Out to a Belle Glade Bicycle Accident Attorney Immediately

If you were struck be a negligent driver while out riding your bike, you could hold them accountable for your injuries through a civil lawsuit. With the help of the attorneys at Rafferty Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa, the at-fault motorist could be held liable for your physical, mental, and financial damages.

The sooner you discuss your case with skilled legal counsel, the sooner you can move forward with your claim. Call a Belle Glade bicycle accident lawyer right away to learn more.