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PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (July 1, 2020) – Attorney Nicole Kruegel lectured at the Palm Beach County Justice Association’s webinar on Wednesday, July 1st. The webinar titled, “Technology and Use of Exhibits in Remote Depositions,” discussed what tools to use and how to take a deposition virtually. This webinar comes at a time where remote depositions are not only becoming more popular, but for most, it is the only option. Due to COVID-19 and social distancing policies, lawyers have been forced to adapt to a virtual environment making computer literacy even more vital for firms to continue their practice.
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Babies are dying mothers are suffering Despite millions spent on the problem little changes Why
Join Fred Cunningham on a podcasts discussing on what to do when insurance companies screw up
A judge ruled as tragic as this is Publix does not have a duty to protect its customers