Navigating Legal Concerns in the Event of an Accident

As rideshare services have skyrocketed in popularity since their introduction in 2010, many commuters have had an improved travel experience with apps such as Uber and Lyft because of their quality service and ease of use. Although this transportation innovation has brought many improvements to commuting, it does not eliminate the risk of a car accident. In fact, it adds more parties to a potential civil case: the two involved drivers, the ridesharing company, the customer, and the respective insurance companies.


With this progress in commuting, we now need to answer several new questions: What are my rights as a rideshare passenger? Am I entitled to compensation if an accident happens? Every case is different, but the same approach applies for all types of wrecks: having a skilled and experienced car accident attorney on your side can help you ask the right questions, gather important evidence, and prepare a comprehensive case.


Passenger Rights


As a rideshare passenger, you have certain rights to a safe trip. Uber takes steps to ensure your safety when using their app, including driver screenings, real-time driver identification, an in-app emergency assistance button, 24/7 incident support, 2-way ratings for the passenger and driver, GPS tracking, and insurance on every trip.


Similarly, Lyft offers a critical response line, DMV and Background driver checks, vehicle standards, and a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol use policy. But what happens if something goes wrong despite these safety guarantees?


After an Accident


If you were in an accident after paying for a ride, there are a few things you should do at the scene thereof. First, ensure the safety of all passengers, which may include calling emergency services or your local non-emergency assistance line. Uber and Lyft have critical response lines that you can call to alert them to any incidents that occur with their service.


Next, it is critical to take pictures of the scene of the incident for potential evidence to your case because doing so captures the scope of damage. Lastly, it is crucial to collect information such as:


  • Drivers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information


  • The rideshare company’s insurance information


  • Information about the vehicles involved, including makes, models, license plates, and registration numbers


  • Contact information for any witnesses


Possible Civil Cases


As a passenger, you may have the right to file a lawsuit after an accident involving a ridesharing vehicle. Finding an experienced car accident attorney will help you ask the right questions about your case and effectively seek compensation for damages. Possible compensable losses may include property or vehicle damages, medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, emotional trauma, and loss of wages due to an inability to work.


If you or your loved ones were injured in a rideshare service car crash, please reach out to the accident attorneys at Domnick, Cunningham & Yaffa. Our skilled legal team has the experience to effectively navigate your rideshare accident case in Southern Florida. Contact our office today to request a free consultation for your case.