Understanding and Preventing Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the lowest portion of a woman’s uterus and connects to the vagina. When cells grow abnormally on the cervix and invade other tissues and organs of the body, it is known as cervical cancer.


Of course, the best form of treatment is preventative. Understanding what can cause cervical cancer is great way to preventing it from developing.




The human pappilovirus, more commonly referred to as HPV, is one of the main causes of cervical cancer. Certain types of this virus, particularly HPV 16 and HPV 18, are known to cause cervical cancer. When these two viruses are present in a woman’s cervix, she is at a higher risk for developing cervical cancer.


The best HPV prevention is for women to get tested for it regularly after the age of 30. There is also a vaccine available for girls as young as 12 that can help prevent the development of many different types of HPV.


History of HPV or Other Cancers


A person with any history of HPV or cancer is more likely to develop cervical cancer in the future. While the chance of a second cancer developing is small, a person’s propensity for disease is greater if they have already had cancer in the past.


While the HPV vaccine is incredibly effective, it does not treat current infections or repair past problems. However, those that have had a history of HPV or cancer should still receive the vaccine to prevent future disease.




Study after study has linked smoking cigarettes to cancer. Nicotine and the other substances used in cigarettes are known carcinogens, which cause cancer cells to grow in living tissue. When a person smokes, these carcinogens build up in their body and can cause cancer over time. These chemicals have been found in women’s cervixes and linked to cervical cancer.


Call a Local Healthcare Provider for Testing


The best way to prevent cervical cancer from forming is to get regular HPV testing and the vaccine. If you have not yet undergone testing or received your vaccine, contact a healthcare provider in your area today to learn more about what causes cervical cancer.