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PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (July 8, 2021) – Florida Trend Magazine has included Shareholders Sean C. Domnick and Fred A. Cunningham in their 2021 Legal Elite list. Less than 2% of active Florida Bar members practicing in Florida appear among the Legal Elite roster making it very exclusive. Among the 2%, Mr. Domnick and Mr. Cunningham have not only been named this year in Florida Trend’s Legal Elite, they have also been included in past years as well.
Florida Legal Elite names the state’s top licensed and practicing attorneys through selection by their peers in the Florida Bar. After the initial tally, the votes are examined through an outside vendor, and then further examination is done by a panel of previous Legal Elite honorees.
2021 Florida Trend Legal Elites: Fred Cunningham (2009-2016, 2018, 2021) Sean Domnick (2004-2021)
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Fred Cunningham and Matthew Christ of Rafferty Domnick Cunningham amp Yaffa are representing the labs in a federal case in
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